
What Our Students Are Saying About Us ...

"The class saved my life! I was so lost and terrified and hopeless when I found you. You gave me knowledge and support, acceptance and hope - life changing!"

"I have shared this on-going program with my doctor. He stated that I have made great progress in improving my health. My A1c is 5.9 and all but a low-dose blood pressure medication has been stopped."

"Each session brings education, but the sharing is what I really enjoy. After the past two years, relationships have formed which lead to more personal sharing. You really open doors that you can't find anywhere else. We are so blessed to be involved with this group!"

“I have learned lots of good things to help me understand about diabetes and how to take care of myself.”

“I am learning how to eat better, how to check my blood, what to do when I feel sick, how important it is to exercise and take care of myself”

“I always thought it was just me, but it helps to know I am not the only one.”

“The willingness of the class leaders to answer questions was important ….they made you feel that yes you could improve your life with diabetes.”

“This has been the most help out of all the classes I’ve ever been to. My A1c has dropped. I have lost weight. I learned to use portion sizes…I LOVE THIS CLASS!”


What the Professionals Are Saying ...

"Many people with diabetes do not receive professional diabetes education because of lack of insurance coverage. Other people may have received education but need on-going support over time to stay on track with behavioral changes to improve their health. Others may need assistance locating affordable or free supplies. Diabetes Support services assists all these people and is building a community of shared dedication to diabetes management."
--D, RD, LD, CDE

"Over the past five years I have put on a Safety, Health and Wellness event that are open to the public. Diabetes Support Services has participated. They have been successful in providing our employees and the general public with important and valuable information as it relates to diabetes. They have also supported the Oregon Military Department's JFHQ Family Program in the past which helps the family members of those soldiers who are deployed. I believe anyone who has the ability to support this group in any way, financial or otherwise, will reap rewards beyond their imagination."
--R, Safety, Health and Wellness Coordinator